“Festival” Magical Plants of Love
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The kit contains aphrodisiac herbs.
Love potion – combined herbs with a relaxing but strengthening effect. Ingredients: Tribulus, yarrow, oats, St. John's wort, calamus root, valerian, licorice root.
Calendula root – an ancient aphrodisiac that Latvians used during the summer solstice, by strewing the bed with roots and antlers, supposedly against fleas and negative energy, but biochemically, calamus promotes the function of the secretory glands, improves digestion, and increases libido and mood.
St. John's wort – antidepressant. Relaxes, relieves tension. Allows you to enjoy the process. Do not overdose, as it increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and also causes photophobia.
Leizea – immunomodulator, improves mood, regulates the functioning of the hormonal system, promotes endurance, increases strength potential. powerful aphrodisiac.