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"Home medicine cabinet" for immunity

Regular price€7,00

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The set includes herbs with immune-boosting, virus- and germ-suppressing properties.

Contains plants that have immune-boosting, virus- and germ-suppressing properties.
Ingredients: Meadowsweet flowers, Fireweed leaves, Raspberry leaves, Icelandic lichen, Sage leaves, Echinacea leaves, Linden flowers.

Contains herbs that have properties that reduce bronchial inflammation and promote expectoration.
Ingredients: Oregano leaves, Clove leaves, Wild raspberry leaves, Chamomile flowers, Icelandic lichen leaves, Linden flowers, St. John's wort leaves, Allante roots, Gallant flowers

A decoction of the buds acts as an expectorant, antiviral and antimicrobial. It is effective when used in inhalations, thinning mucus in the nose and sinuses.

For gargling for a sore throat
Contains herbs that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, soothing, pain-relieving, mucosal softening and regenerating properties.
Ingredients: Slavonia leaves, Calendula flowers, yarrow leaves, Icelandic lichen.