Gemoterapijas preparāti – Ceriņš, Lazda, Papele. Dabīgi uztura bagātinātāji imūnsistēmai un veselībai

Gemmo therapy


    The term GEMMO therapy comes from the Latin "gemma" (gem, bud) and the Greek "therapein" (treatment), denoting treatment with plant buds containing meristematic tissue.

    These tissues, which resemble human stem cells, transform into different parts of the plant, giving the buds stronger medicinal properties than mature plants. Most of the trace elements and vitamins found in the plant are also found in humans.

    The Almighty power in nature has established such an order that plants serve humans and animals as food to maintain health and as medicine to treat diseases, as well as for furnishing and heating homes. Humans and animals, in turn, serve plants by intentionally and unintentionally propagating them, and plants thank humans for this.