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Dietary supplement for blood circulation with betulin and hawthorn

Dietary supplement for blood circulation with betulin and hawthorn.
The package contains 60 capsules with powder of 280 mg. Net mass 16.8 g

BETULCARD is recommended for use:

• For people who have a sedentary job and lack of movement,

• For middle-aged people and seniors to support the cardiovascular system,

• People who eat a lot, smoke and drink alcohol.

Composition: One capsule contains 100 mg of birch bark dry extract, where the main ingredient (80 mg) is betulin and 80 mg of hawthorn flower powder.

Usage: It is recommended to take 1 capsule 2 times a day before meals. Depending on the severity of the condition, continuous use may be up to six months.

The nutritional supplement "BETULCARD" is made from dry birch bark extract, which contains 80% betulin, 10% aromatic compounds, 8.3% betulinic acid, 7.3% lupeol, and 2% aldehydes.

According to the EU herbal monograph (EMA/HMPC/573241/2014) on the use of parts of warty birch (Betula pendula), the permissible dose of birch dry extract in herbal preparations is up to 1 g per day for 2 months or more, depending on the duration and severity of the disorder.

Hawthorn flowers are collected in the hawthorn garden of the Doktus farm, and they are dried and crushed at the production facility.

General information about betulin

Betulin is obtained from the white part of the birch bark (Betula pendula L.) – the sap. The sap is formed by a triterpene alcohol bioflavonoid, which is named betulin. Betulin is a white powder with a tannic, bitter taste and a characteristic sap odor, soluble in alcohol and other organic solvents, insoluble in water. Under the influence of digestive enzymes, the bioavailability of betulin increases. Betulin remains stable when cooked. The spectrum of pharmacological activity of betulin is interconnected, many aspects of action complement each other. The main properties of betulin are hepatoprotective, choleretic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antimutagenic, hypocholesterolemic, antiviral, immunomodulatory, hypolipidemic, antihypoxant, gastroprotective, neuroprotective and antiseptic action. Betulin is non-toxic and has no side effects, but it should be noted that using betulin increases tolerance to alcohol – you get significantly less intoxicated, as the liver's detoxification capabilities are enhanced. Studies show that betulin has an extremely broad and positive spectrum of effects on biological organisms, without side effects.

An important property of betulin is its ability to prevent atherosclerosis. The vascular endothelium is susceptible to damage caused by pathogenic microorganisms, especially viruses. Herpes, cytomegalovirus infection viruses cause inflammation of the endothelium and morphological damage, on these damage, lipoproteins are deposited in patches; and so on, patch by patch, until atherosclerosis develops with pronounced vascular frigidity and narrowed lumen. Betulin inhibits viral replication and improves the barrier function of the endothelium. A surprising discovery is that betulin, at a dose of 10 mg/kg of weight, affects cholesterol synthesis in the liver and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby preventing the formation of atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of the arteries, and also helps to get rid of excess weight. The mechanism of action of this process is that betulin interacts with blood proteins that bind sterol-regulatory elements – SREBPs (sterol regulatory element-binding proteins), reduces the activity of SREBPs and secondarily also the level of lipids in the blood.

Many studies have proven the effectiveness of betulin in the following cases:

• Chronic inflammatory process in the body

• Long-term use of medications (any), use of many medications at the same time

.• Fatty liver dystrophy, chronic and acute hepatitis A, B, С, gallstone disease.

• Oncological diseases, as an accompanying therapy, together with cytostatic drugs

• Frequent contact with toxic substances.

• Alcoholism, acute hangover syndrome, the need to quickly "cleanse", drug intoxication.

• Lipid metabolism disorders, elevated cholesterol levels, obesity.

• Atherosclerosis, heart and brain circulatory disorders, hypertensive disease, chronic heart failure, memory disorders caused by atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders in the legs.

• Acute viral infections – influenza, herpes, cytomegalovirus infection and Roth disease.

• Weak immune system with frequent cases of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis.

• For skin renewal – betulin stimulates collagen synthesis, improves capillary blood circulation.

• In case of antibiotic resistance – enhances the effectiveness of beta-lactam and macrolide antibiotics.

• For food preservation – the antioxidant action of betulin delays food spoilage and extends its shelf life.

General information about hawthorn

In traditional herbal medicine, hawthorn preparations are used to relieve short-term symptoms caused by disorders of the heart's nervous system (e.g., palpitations, tachycardia), if a doctor has ruled out a serious condition. Studies show that hawthorn extract has a wide range of uses in cardiovascular disorders, as it has a positive inotropic effect, anti-inflammatory effect, antithrombotic effect, vasodilating and endothelium-protective effect, hawthorn preparations help ensure a normal oxygen supply to the heart, and also help ensure normal lipid levels. If symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, a doctor's consultation is required to rule out other heart diseases, such as ischemic heart disease or arterial hypertension. Hawthorn preparations can also be used long-term for moderate mental stress and sleep disorders. Use in children under 18 years of age is not recommended without a doctor's examination and assessment of complaints. Due to the lack of sufficient safety data, use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended.

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